|EE-012g| B2: First – Reading and Use of English [Part 7A: Multiple Matching]

Hello Exam Seekers,

We are finally coming to an end to the B2: First – Reading and Use of English Exam – former FCE. Over the past weeks, I covered all exercises in this section and gave you a couple of tips on how to succeed in each and every one of them. You can check each part by checking the links below:

If you haven’t read them yet, make sure you check out both samples!!!

As I mentioned previously, parts 1 to 4 focus on grammatical aspects of the English language:

  • Multiple-Choice Cloze: choose the correct word [Vocabulary] from a list of words provided to complete the sentences;
  • Open Cloze: figure out the words [Vocabulary] to complete the test – no words provided;
  • Word Formation: transform the provided word into one that fits correctly [Vocabulary – Part of Speech];
  • Key-Word Transformations: rewrite part of a sentence using the words provided [Vocabulary/Grammar].

As for parts 5 to 7, the focus is on analyzing the candidate’s reading skills:

  • Multiple Choice: read the text and choose the correct alternative to answer the question.
  • Gapped Text: read the text and complete it by putting removed sentences back to it.

Today I am talking about Part 7 – Multiple Matching. This part consists of 5 paragraphs (which together form a short text) and 10 sentences that summarise ideas of these 5 paragraphs. Therefore, you are likely to have more than one sentence for each extract. The main purpose here is to understand not only the main topic of the paragraph but also to be able to identify details. Also, there is every likelihood you will come across synonyms and paraphrasing, since putting the same word both in the sentence and the paragraph would be a bit too easy for you to identify.

FCE Reading and Use of English Part 7 Multiple Matching


Since this exercise provides short sentences, the strategy here is the same used for Part 5 – Multiple Choice. You read all the sentences first underlining keywords that you feel are relevant for your understanding; only then you move on to the text. While reading the text, check for synonyms or similar ideas summarized.

Since there is a chance that some paragraphs may trick you, make sure you read the whole article before settling on an answer; not doing so may cause you to match sentences incorrectly. Underlining the keywords also enables you to check your answers and identify if the main idea of the paragraph could be summarized into the sentence you chose.

Check out the example below.

FCE Reading and Use of English Part 7 Multiple Matching

For numbers 43, 44 and 45, I would underline the words:

states how surprised the writer was at Duncan’s early difficulties?

…says that Duncan sometimes seems much more mature than he really is?

…describes the frustration felt by Duncan’s father?

By reading TEXT A, you find the following sentences:

Such has been his rise to fame that it is with some disbelief that you listen to him describe how his career was nearly all over before it began.

If you notice, you came across “disbelief” in the first paragraph and “surprised” in the first sentence, and both express the writer’s reaction here regarding Duncan’s difficulties when he was young. Thus, A would be the correct answer for the first gap (number 43). 

By reading TEXT B, you find the following sentences:

But I was still upset and surprised that no team seemed to want him, that they couldn’t see what he might develop into in time.

The words “upset” and “surprised” in the text express Duncan’s father’s “frustration” in relation to the talent people couldn’t see in his son. Thus, number 45’s answer is TEXT B.

By reading TEXT C, you don’t find anything connecting to the number 44, but by reading TEXT D, you find the following:

He is an old head on young shoulders.

The sentence “old head on young shoulders” is a synonym for “mature”. It is just saying that even though the boy is young, – as most of the time the paragraphs mention his age (or young age) – he seems older than he is. And this is the only paragraph that shows this idea. Therefore, TEXT D is the correct answer for number 44.

Did you get the idea of how to tackle this part of the exam? Rather than going sentence by sentence in numerical order, trying to find the text that matches it, you will do the task much faster if you try to identify the parts of the underlined sentences in the paragraphs, matching whichever connects first. So make sure you read all the sentences, underline keywords, then dive into the texts looking for synonyms or paraphrases of the sentences provided.

Do you have another strategy for this task?

Make sure you try and match the other numbers before checking the answer below. Then comment here if you found this strategy easy or difficult if this part of the exam is the best or the worst or neither, okay?


That’s it for today! Please like the post and follow the blog on:

You can also listen to this post at Anchor!!!

Have a great week,
Patricia Moura


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OBS: All samples provided by Cambridge.


43. A
45. B
46. D
47. B
48. A

50. B
51. C
52. D

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