|CELTA-004e| Parts of a Lesson Plan: Speaking Lesson [PART 5]

Hello ExamSeekers,

Last month, I started a series of posts about lesson planning, but I had a few busy days, which impeded me from continuing. So today, I’m gonna wrap it up.

Planning a lesson is one of the most important aspects of a lesson. You need to know what you are going to teach and how you are going to teach it before you actually do it. That’s why I say it’s one of the essential things to be doing before you actually perform in class. As a CELTA learner, you need to know that this is the beginning of it all, that’s why I decided to show how Productive and Receptive Skills Lessons are planned and developed in a CELTA course.

As I mentioned above, I’m going to finish the summary of the types of lessons and stages, I’m not going into deep. It’s just a general idea for you who are starting in this quest and want to know how you develop the steps. If you want some more information about each and every type of lesson and stage, message me, and I’ll be glad to help with a focused post about it.

So far, I wrote an overview of the steps you have to follow: a Parts of a Lesson Plan: What are the steps? [Part 1], then I posted a text about Receptive Skills Lessons [Part 2], which is a lesson planned focused on Listening and Reading. I wrote a text on Language Lessons [Part 3], and my last text was on Writing Lessons [Part 4].

Today, I’m going to go over a Speaking Lesson, which is also a Productive Skill Lesson.


Different from the other skills, a speaking lesson requires lots of steps, and here they are:

Warm-up / Lead-in – These have been mentioned for a while now. Keep in mind that you are focusing your lessons on speaking, so try to give your students something to move their bodies, okay? It is interesting to make them use all their body during a lesson – even though it is focused on a specific skill later on.

Read/listen for ideas OR pre-communicative task – your students are going to communicate something, this is the aim of the lesson, so you need a model from which they are going to “copy”. I wouldn’t say it is a copy, because they are not going to use the exact words, but they need to know what they are going to talk about and how to talk about it. So you need to provide them with a text or a recording/video, which will grant them a model. So it is a “pre-communicate task”, only after this step they are going to actually communicate.

Practice / Preparation for writing tasks – some teachers divide this stage depending on the amount of time they have. Well, after having students know the kind of language they are expected to use, they have to practice this language. You might give them a written activity where they are supposed to match the meaning to the word you taught them, or you might ask them to make lists of the language they are going to use. At this point, they have to practice the language you clarified in the step before, you can choose the way to do that.

Speaking task – here is when the speaking usually takes place. Teachers give their students a topic/question and plenty of time for them to use their ideas, and the language studied and speak in pairs or groups. Keep in mind that everything you’ve done before was preparing for THIS stage, which means that the most substantial part of your lesson must take place here. If you have a 60 min lesson, 30 minutes should be speaking, okay?

Feedback – After finishing the step before, you are going to give some feedback to your students. Maybe they misused the language, so you have to clarify them a bit more, perhaps they used wrong grammar structures you feen the need to correct, or maybe they were perfect, and you want to compliment them and highlight interesting ideas.

Reformulation – After feedback, if time aloud, you can give some time for your students to reformulate what they said before. So they had some mistakes, you pointed them out, it’s time for them to try and correct them in another speaking task. You can provide another question/topic, or you can switch pairs to have more conversation on the same idea. You can even make them report to the other groups what they talked previously but adding their point of view on what that former partner had said.


So this is how a Speaking Lesson should flow. I must reinforce the idea that this s a speaking lesson, so the main goal is to have your students speaking!!!

Well, I hope I have cleared some questions about the steps of Speaking Lessons. But if you still have questions about the steps given today, make sure to comment in the comment session below. And don’t forget to follow the blog at:

Have a great weekend,
Patricia Moura



  1. i just want to tell you that really your articles are life savers … thank you for your time and efforts

    • Patricia,
      Hope you’re fine.
      What if they kept making the same pronunciation mistakes. The more you correct them, the more they keep mispronouncing the words. Add to this, lack of using their grammar properly. Actually, it ends up in a state of disappointment for me as a teacher.

      Let me know your thoughts, if any.

      Thanks boss.

      • Hey, Amr.

        You can only provide them with the tools. Explain to them directly and let them work out on their on…
        Afterall, everyone has their own pace and time for learning. If you let them aware and they are willing to learn, eventually they will!


  2. Dear Patricia,
    I would like to express my deepest gratitude for sharing your valuable experiences regarding the CELTA course. Your approach and the exchange of ideas and information reflect your distinguished and noble character, which is highly appreciated and deserving of recognition.
    I have a few questions about the lesson plans you’ve designed. Firstly, are the topics of these plans requested by teachers, or do you select them personally? Secondly, after designing these plans, is it necessary to execute them live in the classroom? Lastly, during the live execution of these plans in class, is it permissible to use the template of the lesson plan, or should they be presented from memory?
    I would appreciate a comprehensive explanation, as well as any additional advice you may have for the first and second weeks of the course that I should implement or observe in the classroom.
    Thank you for your guidance and support.

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