|EE-021| Michigan Tests: MYLE, MET, ECCE and ECPE

Hello ExamSeekers,

It’s been a while since last I posted here. I know, I know… I’ve been in debt with you since July 2020. Well, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, things shifted here, and I had lots of class preparation to prepare, lots of online classes to teach. Moreover, my undergrad and my graduation studies just overwhelmed me.

I know that many of you have been going through the same things, but I’m happy to see that you keep reading the blog posts, so it means that you all keep on studying and using the content I prepared. I’m delighted with that, so much that I even got motivated to write again!!! I can’t promise I’ll be 100% percent present, but I’ll do my best to provide new things for you every Tuesday and Thursday.

Well, as for today…

I have a friend who asked me about the ECCE, and unfortunately, I wasn’t able to help her with this subject at that moment because I didn’t know much about this exam. Actually, I didn’t even know there was an exam called ECCE. After looking for some information on the subject, I understood why I haven’t heard about it:

The reason for that is because the ECCE is a Michigan Test. Michigan Tests are not as famous as Cambridge Exams, but they are as valid as the Cambridge Exams, just less “famous”. Actually, if you check their website, you’ll see that they are backed by the University of Michigan and Cambridge Assessment English.

What are the Michigan Tests?

They are a set of English proficiency exams for every age and every level. The exams are used for educational and professional purposes and provide scores aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

How do the Michigan Tests align with the CEFR?

MYLE: for learners ages 6 to 10. The MYLE are 4-skill tests at three levels of English proficiency: Bronze (pre-A1), Silver (A1), and Gold (A2)

MET GO: for secondary students to adults. The MET Go is a multilevel American English exam at the levels A1, A2 and B1.

MET: it is a multilevel American English exam designed for upper primary to lower secondary school students (A2-C1).

ECCE: it is a 4-skill American English test at the high-intermediate level of proficiency (B2).

ECPE: 4-skill American English test at the highest level of proficiency (C2).

English Placement Test: This 60-minute test that assesses language proficiency by placing students into homogeneous ability levels (from A1-C1).

GSI OET: it is a procedure for testing spoken English of prospective graduate student instructors at the University of Michigan whose undergraduate education was at an institution where the language of instruction was not English.

Assessment and Certification:

All of the Michigan Tests assess the 4 skills:

Reading and Use of English, Speaking, Writing and Listening
Reading and Use of English, Writing, Speaking and Listening

The scores appear in a numerical form (according to your achievement) and the overall performance.

For most of the exams (MYLE, MET Go, and MET), there is no Pass or Fail. You will receive a report about your performance, and a certificate specifying the CEFR level you got.

The ECCE and the ECPE on the other hand, are as specific levels certificates. If you don’t achieve the CEFR B2 level for the ECCE and the C2 level for the ECPE, you won’t receive a certificate, only a report of your performance.

Extra information:

Most of these exams are offered twice a year. And usually, Reading, Writing, and Listening are done at one sitting and are assess in the USA (your exam goes there to be assessed there), while Speaking can be arranged for another day and it is assessed by local professionals.

Well, this is an overview of the Michigan Tests, if you all want some more information, please make sure to comment in the comment section below or send me a message on my other platforms.


That’s it for today! Please like the post and follow the blog on:

You can also listen to this post at Anchor!!!

Have a great week,
Patricia Moura


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